Explore Active | Refund Policy

Review our refund policy before booking with us at Explore Active

Policy on Cancellation and Refunds

We acknowledge that embarking on a Tanzania wildlife safari or climbing Kilimanjaro can be a unique adventure that many individuals aspire to experience once in a lifetime. However, these activities entail substantial investments, such as airfare, tour expenses, lodging, and travel insurance, rendering them more costly than most other favored vacation spots. Consequently, the matters regarding cancellation and refund become crucial to many individuals. There is always a likelihood that unforeseen circumstances may arise, necessitating the cancellation or immediate postponement of the tour.

What are the reasons for the impossibility of issuing full refunds?

Frequently, individuals inquire about the rationale behind the inability to provide a complete refund most of the time. Since the tour is yet to commence, why is it problematic to return the funds? We would love to reimburse each client whose last-minute travel arrangements have been altered, and who can no longer participate in our exhilarating Kilimanjaro climb or safari adventure. It is always challenging for our team to disappoint those who have undergone the planning process with us, and whose elation we were anticipating to share here in Tanzania. Nonetheless, the responsibility for your trip is not solely on Explore Active as a tour operator. Numerous organizations play an indispensable role in ensuring the tour's execution, and we remunerate them long before your arrival in Tanzania. Here are a few of them:

Tanzania National Parks Authority

Both Mt Kilimanjaro and safari parks necessitate tour companies to pay entry fees on behalf of their clients. To prevent unwarranted disruptions in the commencement of our clients' tours, we settle these fees 2-3 days ahead of the scheduled start date. Regrettably, these fees become non-refundable once paid.

Local Suppliers, Including Food Providers

For every trip to Kilimanjaro, Meru, or other mountains, we require fresh food supplies, fuel, medication, bottled water, and other consumables that are not produced or owned by Explore Active. These items are perishable, and we purchase and pay for them in advance of your tour. Moreover, we have a significant workforce that labors tirelessly to make your tour possible. Our manager dedicates hours to plan the trip, our reservation agents (all of whom are based in Tanzania) email and call the hotels, our Kilimanjaro expedition assistants inspect and prepare the gear, and our supply teams procure supplies from local farms, among other tasks. At Explore Active, we prioritize sustainable community development, and we are committed to safeguarding the job security of our Tanzanian teammates. The livelihoods of many families in the region hinge on tourism, and we strive to make Explore Active a secure haven for everyone, particularly our local teams. Our founders and senior management are more flexible with their compensation, particularly during economic crises. During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we voluntarily waived our salaries to contribute to our relief fund, enabling us to provide refunds to our clients while keeping all local team members on the payroll. 75% of our workforce remained on board. Although the job market in East Africa is often volatile, Explore Active stands as a reliable employer. Considering these expenditures and our team's welfare, we must exercise caution with refunds and adhere to our cancellation policies.

We Strive to Be Accommodating and Supportive Despite Any Challenges

At Explore Active, we prioritize the safety and satisfaction of our customers during our trips. While the terms outlined below are our standard policy for most situations, we work closely with our partner hotels and lodges to consider the specific details of each case. In the most extreme situations, such as death, serious illness, war, or natural calamity in the departure country, we strive to provide a 100% refund to our customers. We understand the importance of flexibility and compassion in times of crisis, and we do our best to accommodate our customers' needs. In the event of a tour cancellation, we immediately notify our partners and work to waive cancellation penalties, particularly for extreme cases. We have built long-standing relationships with our partners over the years, and many are willing to work with us to provide the best possible solution for our customers. Upon receipt of a refund request, we promptly evaluate and make a decision within 72 hours or less. Our goal is to ensure a fair and efficient process for our customers. At Explore Active, we are committed to providing our customers with safe and enjoyable trips, and we strive to be flexible and accommodating in all situations.

Cancelation fees

The amount of refund that we will be able to provide you with depends on the date when we receive your cancelation request. Currently, our cancellation and refund policy is as follows:

  • Regardless of the date of cancellation, the deposit of 100 USD per person for a classic Kilimanjaro climbing package that includes accommodation at either Hotel or Lodge in Moshi is non-refundable but can be transferred to any other dates. This deposit is charged to confirm the booking.
The cancellation and refund policy below applies to all categories of our premium Kilimanjaro packages and safari adventures.
  • 10% cancelation fee if canceled more than 90 days before the tour starts;
  • 30% cancelation fee if canceled 60-89 days before the tour starts;
  • 60% cancelation fee if canceled 30-59 days before the tour starts;
  • 80% cancelation fee if canceled 8-29 days before the tour starts;
  • No refund if canceled 0-7 days before the tour starts.
Kindly be advised that if the penalty fees imposed by the lodges and airlines exceed the percentages mentioned above, the non-refundable amount will be adjusted accordingly. Additionally, any bank commissions associated with the return of funds to your account will be deducted from the refund amount.

Deposits for Life: A Long-Term Investment

Indefinite Holds: A Flexible Option for Postponing Your Tour with Explore Active At Explore Active, we prioritize the satisfaction of each and every customer as we strive to become the most successful, innovative, and largest tour outfitter in Tanzania. Instead of canceling your tour altogether, we offer the option of an indefinite hold on your deposit, allowing you to reschedule for any future trip with us. However, please note that our prices are subject to change in the future, which may result in a difference that you will be required to pay at the time of your trip. If you decide to reschedule your safari tour instead of canceling, the lodges and airlines under your booking may provide a no-penalty deferral or reduce cancelation charges. Although we will make every effort to reschedule your tour without changes, please be aware that the decision to provide a no-penalty deferral is solely at the discretion of the lodges and airlines. During peak seasons (mid-December to mid-March and early July to mid-October), canceling your tour on short notice may result in a full cancelation penalty of accommodation and/or local air travel costs, which can amount to 50-80% of the total trip cost. However, we will transfer the remainder of your balance to your account.

Travel insurance is a good thing to have

It is essential to be prepared for any unexpected events that may occur during your trip. To ensure that you are fully protected, we strongly recommend obtaining insurance with sufficient coverage for the cancelation of your tour. In the event of illness or a flight cancelation, having insurance will allow you to claim financial losses from your insurance company. This will provide you with peace of mind and protection throughout your travels.

Looking to turn your dream vacation into a reality?

Our team is here to help you make it happen. We offer personalized travel planning services, whether you're looking to embark on a wildlife safari, unwind on a tropical beach, or climb Kilimanjaro.

If you have any questions or would like to work with us on your next adventure, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Simply fill out our enquiry form and we'll get back to you promptly.